
Creating sustainable growth so you can live a better life!

A Plac​e with Passion!

When a firm thrives, it is a place that is fun to work at and you and your employees and associates feel good about their jobs.  Passion for the clients is evident.

You can finally work fewer hours because the systems are in place that keep you at peak efficiency.  And, you know when the systems are out-of-kilter so you can fix things right away.

You and your family enjoy life, you give more of your time to your clients, and you love the practice of law once again.

You are working less, giving more, and living better!

To get there, we work through Discovering the gaps, we Empower your firm with tools and processes, and then we help you build sustainable improvements so you can Thrive.  

Generally, these are based on Infusionsoft, the world's best platform for empowering small businesses.  Each module with an "*" requires Infusionsoft to implement.

Here are the Thrive modules:

  • Infusionsoft implementation (teaches you how to utilize Infusionsoft and basic development steps.  Your staff will understand the dashboards and forms, and you will understand what the platform can do for you)
  • Third Party Integration (such as Time Management, practice management, and so on)
  • Welcome Campaign Sequences*
  • Followup Campaigns*
  • Nurture (three different time sequences)*
  • Seminar Registration and Follow-up*
  • Lead Generation advanced stages
  • Lead Conversion and Intake automation
  • A/B Testing strategies
  • Referral Campaigns*
  • SMS Marketing
  • Social Media advanced 
  • Billing and Financial Process automation
  • 3D mail strategies and integration
  • Client gifts sequences*

Note that each module may be available under the plan we lay out for you, or can be purchased separately.  See the pricing page for more details.

Contact us today to get your firm on the Thrive path!  

Schedule your Sounding Call. Or call us at 984-234-5880.

We help busy and overworked lawyers discover and implement improved practices tailored to your firm so that you can work fewer hours, give more to your clients and your family, and live a better life.

Let us help you discover your potential so you can work less, give more, and live better!

Call us today!  984-234-5880

Download the eBook on Follow-up Marketing

Download the eBook on Follow-up Marketing

Download the eBook to read how to utilize Followup to dramatically improve your profits!

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